Yemen Mocha Coffee (5lb Bag)

5 lb

Out of Stock If you love a good mocha, you will love Yemen's 'Arabian Mocca' coffee. This medium-light roasted coffee bean is the world's oldest cultivated coffee, and its flavor has gotten better with age! Known for its richness and full bodied flavor, the chocolatey hints, fruit undertones, and similitude to a hot mocha from your local café – no wonder these beans have stood the test of time! What makes Yemen coffee so phenomenal is its coffee culture – it's unlike any other coffee producer in the world. Instead of exporters seeking coffee beans from farms, exporters go through a networking system of middle men. This results in coffee beans being exported precisely at the right time – ultimately improving taste, flavor, and excellence. Yemen's 'Arabian Mocca' is grown in the northern mountains of Yemen, and its taste is what a mug of coffee should taste like – traditional and classic. The process of Yemen's coffee beans makes them incredibly luxurious because of the rich mountain terraces they are grown on, producing naturally dried and flavor-focused beans. Since high quality Arabica coffee is synonymous for mocha-flavors, it's no wonder the luxurious growing process in Yemen offers such strong mocha flavors. If you are looking for a timeless classic that will make you feel like you are indulging in a hidden secret – look no further than Yemen's 'Arabian Mocca.'

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