Salted Caramel Flavored Decaf Coffee

½ lb
1 lb
5 lb

For a sweet start to your morning, try our Salted Caramel flavored decaf coffee. The hint of salt enhances the buttery richness of caramel in this classic flavor. The idea to add salt to caramel began in the late 1970s by a French chocolatier, Henri Le Roux. In the 1990s it was popularized by French chef Pierre Hermé when he invented his salted caramel macaron. We build on this popularity by enhancing our 100% pure arabica bean coffee with this delectable flavor.

All our gourmet coffees are hand-roasted daily in small batches and shipped the same day. This ensures you receive the freshest, most delicious coffee delivered right to your doorstep.

© 2013